Sunday, 3 August 2008



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Saturday, 2 August 2008

U need protection!

A funny advertisement designed by my friend..with dual meaning

most of the skin designs you see in bugis street, orchard shops are pretty pricy while got a strong supplier to provide almost half the price u see outside.. but with 100% style and quality for your gadgets.

Why not add style & personality to your gadgets. .. So protect yourself NOW!

View videos of
1. Gelaskin Laptop
2 . Gelaskin Ipod 3rd nano
3. Gelaskin Ipod 2nd nano

Saturday, 26 July 2008

Wana overcome Your government censorship?

Ok let's stay neutral in this sensitive issue of government censorship..

but i believe people who have been to other countries for holiday/ studies have encountered some mysterious experience when trying to surf online.."why this freaky website can't load?? This is my favourite! I can always surf it but why not now in XXX country?"

Beyond the frustration, let's us now reveal some extraordinary, exclusive findings from some sites


So next time, if you have some trouble with surfing censored sites... try this out!

Sunday, 20 July 2008

Bundle Deals! Let you eat morE, drink moRE, play mORE & shop MORE!

New bundle deals! Now You save more!

More savings illustrated by our unique tyko's saving Legend!

So have you figure out how many chicken rice, coke, shoe, movie tickets you can buy from your savings with TykoBuy?

Sunday, 13 July 2008

Tykobuy @ Youtube on google map

I guess many Sim Lim Square business owner will kill me for posting the truth.
BUT the reality is.. Sim Lim is too chaotic! Prices can vary so much from 1 shop to another. Range of products are too much in a mess! I have to dig out every level of shops to ensure I get the best price! Sometimes even the best price in Sim Lim come with trick like no warranty/poor quality/ fakes!!

Sim Lim is worse during weekends! I nearly can't breathe amidst the crazy pushing crowd.

We, serves to increase our product range to give u a better shopping experience. Afterall, we have done the tough job of comparing prices and cutting our profit to give u the best priced quality product you deserve!

Shopping will soon be a breeze!

More school deals!

ok if you think starting school is miserable, think twice with another wave of school bundle deals from!

Thanks to our Chief Administrator! So watch out for more deals on!

Saturday, 12 July 2008

Welcome back to School!

Click below to see the crazy student deal better!so why wait? Start buying at NOW!
or email with title subscribe to tyko deal to keep updated with deals!

Thursday, 19 June 2008


After all these time of anticipation, busy debugging.. is now on its last stage of grand opening! Here are a glimpse of cool stuff you can get on our official site

Could it be your lucky day? To win discounts! up to 50% off!
Check it out!

if you would wish to pre-order or make inquiries, please email

Tuesday, 17 June 2008

tykobuy story

Work hard. Play HARDER! Sure. These days with the influx of cool technology and toys it is getting tougher to resist the temptation to keep spending and BUYing. We always found ourselves going through the hassle of comparing prices online and offline. Bidding on ebay. Bargaining in shops.

That is why we have decided to kill these frustration and name ourselves tykoBUY! Just BUY it! Anything you find on will always be coming straight from the supplier and offer to you at the most attractive price. Cheaper in price but never in quality. We fight to get the warranty. We fight to get the best price. We fight to deliver the QUALITY product and services to you. We want to give you the most fun experience of stretching your money while getting new gadget toys!

In fact, being accountable to our customers is something that is in our blood. In the beginning of 2008, we came together as undergraduates in UK and USA and NS man, communicating online, piecing our diverse ideas and taking action (amidst exams, projects, internship and of course, distraction!) to realise our vision of combining the convenience of e-commerce and mobile-commerce with the assurance of being able to inspect the product before payment.

Insane? No no. We just want to cater to the majority conservatives and we truly believe that our honest deals will leave no man untempted.

If you want to find out more about tyko story or comment, feel free to email us at and we'll be happy to help.

For more insights of our latest deals from PSP, Mac, USB gadgets etc, check out our website

Craving for gadget toys you can't find? State your craves here/email us (email subject: My Cravings) ! And we will reward you with discount vouchers if you also state your contact details like email/mobile

If you would wish to get the fastest updates of our deals via email/sms, do sign up with us by emailing a blank text/ with your mobile number (email subject: Sign up) and we, tykobuy promise to keep your information private without referring to any third parties. The gist of signing up with us is you will also get more discount from the already attractive price!